How Underlay Can Help Reduce Noise Pollution in Malaysian Homes

May 7, 2023

Noise pollution is an ever-increasing problem in Malaysia. As the country continues to urbanise, traffic, construction, and other noise sources become more prevalent, affecting the quality of life for many residents. One effective solution to combat noise pollution is the use of underlay, a material placed beneath the flooring to absorb and dampen noise. This article will explore the issue of noise pollution in Malaysian homes, how underlay can help reduce it, and the benefits of noise reduction, such as improved sleep and increased productivity.


Noise Pollution in Malaysian Homes

Urbanisation and noise pollution

Urbanisation is a crucial driver of noise pollution in Malaysia. As more people move to cities in search of jobs and better living conditions, the concentration of human activity and traffic increases, leading to a rise in noise pollution. In addition, the country's rapid development has resulted in the construction of new buildings, highways, and public transportation systems, further contributing to noise pollution.


Sources of noise pollution

The most common sources of noise pollution in Malaysia are traffic, construction, and neighbourhood activities. Road traffic, mainly motorcycles and lorries, is a significant source of noise pollution, with many residential areas situated near busy roads. Additionally, construction sites, both large and small-scale, can produce excessive noise levels. Lastly, neighbourhood activities, such as loud music, barking dogs, and children playing, can also contribute to noise pollution.


Impact of noise pollution on health and well-being

Exposure to high levels of noise pollution can have a detrimental impact on the health and well-being of residents. Constant exposure to noise pollution can lead to stress, sleep disturbance, hearing impairment, and other health issues. Moreover, noise pollution can negatively affect productivity, as excessive noise makes it difficult to concentrate on tasks and may cause irritability.


The Role of Underlay in Reducing Noise Pollution

What is underlay?

Underlay is a material that is placed beneath various types of flooring, including carpet, laminate, and engineered wood. It is designed to provide many benefits, including improved comfort, thermal insulation, and noise reduction. Several types of underlay are available, such as foam, rubber, and felt, each with its own set of advantages.


How underlay reduces noise pollution

Underlay works to reduce noise pollution by absorbing and dampening impact and airborne noise. When it comes to impact noise, such as footsteps or items being dropped on the floor, underlay absorbs the energy from the impact, preventing it from transmitting through the floor and into the room below. For airborne noise, like conversation and music, underlay acts as a barrier, reducing the amount of noise that can pass through the floor.


Types of underlay suitable for noise reduction

  • Foam underlay: Foam underlay is lightweight and cost-effective, making it a popular choice for many homeowners. It provides a moderate level of noise reduction and is suitable for use with carpets.
  • Rubber underlay: Rubber underlay is denser and heavier than foam underlay, offering superior noise reduction. It is particularly effective at reducing impact noise and is suitable for carpets, laminate, and engineered wood flooring.
  • Felt underlay: Felt underlay is made from recycled fibres, making it an eco-friendly option. It provides excellent noise reduction and is suitable for use with carpets and engineered wood flooring.


Benefits of Noise Reduction

  • Improved sleep quality: A quiet environment is essential for falling asleep quickly, staying asleep, and achieving restorative sleep. This, in turn, leads to better overall health and well-being. 
  • Increased productivity: When noise pollution is minimised, individuals can better focus on tasks, whether it's working from home, studying, or engaging in creative pursuits. A reduction in noise distractions leads to improved concentration and efficiency.
  • Enhanced relaxation and stress reduction: Reducing noise pollution can also help create a more relaxing and stress-free atmosphere in the home. When residents can unwind in a peaceful environment, they are more likely to experience a decrease in stress levels, which can positively impact mental health and overall well-being.
  • Improved communication and interpersonal relationships: In a quieter home, family members and roommates can communicate more effectively without raising their voices or repeating themselves. This can lead to a more harmonious living situation and foster stronger interpersonal relationships.
  • Better hearing preservation: Consistently high levels of noise pollution can potentially lead to hearing loss or impairment over time. By reducing noise pollution in the home, residents can protect their hearing and minimise the risk of developing hearing-related health issues.


Tips for Installing Underlay and Further Noise Reduction Strategies

  • Proper installation of underlay: To maximise the noise reduction benefits of underlay, it's crucial to install it correctly. The underlay should cover the entire floor surface, with the edges butted together and secured using underlay tape. Avoid overlapping the edges, as this can create an uneven floor and reduce the underlay's effectiveness.
  • Combine underlay with soundproofing materials: For even better noise reduction, homeowners can consider combining underlay with other soundproofing materials, such as acoustic flooring, soundproof drywall, and acoustic panels. These materials can help further absorb and block noise, creating a quieter living environment.
  • Seal gaps and cracks: To minimise noise transmission between rooms, it's essential to seal any gaps and cracks in walls, floors, and ceilings. Homeowners can use caulking or weatherstripping to seal gaps around windows, doors, and other openings.
  • Use soft furnishings and textiles: Soft furnishings and textiles, such as curtains, rugs, and upholstered furniture, can help absorb sound and reduce noise pollution. Incorporating these elements into the home's design can not only improve aesthetics but also contribute to a quieter living environment.



Noise pollution is a growing concern in Malaysian homes, negatively impacting residents' health, well-being, and productivity. Installing underlay beneath flooring is a cost-effective and efficient solution to reduce noise pollution in homes, improving sleep quality, increasing productivity, and promoting a more relaxing living environment. By considering the various types of underlay available and combining them with other soundproofing strategies, homeowners can effectively combat noise pollution and create a peaceful, quiet sanctuary in their homes.