Installing Waterproof Flooring: DIY vs Professional Installation

Apr 10, 2023

Various types of waterproof flooring are available, such as luxury vinyl planks (LVP), waterproof laminate, and ceramic or porcelain tiles. When installing waterproof flooring in your home or business, you will need to decide whether to go the DIY route or hire a professional installer. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of both options, considering cost, time, and complexity factors.


DIY Installation


  • Cost Savings: By opting for a DIY project, you can save on the labour costs of professional installation. This is especially beneficial for homeowners with a tight budget.
  • Personal Satisfaction: DIY installation can be a rewarding experience. Completing the project yourself allows you to develop new skills and gain a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, this hands-on experience may be helpful for future home improvement projects.
  • Customisation: By installing the flooring yourself, you have more control over the process and can adjust the layout or design as needed. This allows you to create a truly personalised space that suits your taste and preferences.


  • Time-Consuming: DIY installation can be time-consuming, especially if you are new to the process or lack the necessary tools and equipment. It may take longer to complete the project compared to hiring a professional installer.
  • Complexity: Installing waterproof flooring can be a complex task, requiring precise measurements, cutting, and fitting. There is a risk of making mistakes, which may lead to wasted materials or an unsatisfactory final result.
  • Lack of Warranty: Some flooring manufacturers may void the warranty if the product is not installed by a professional. If you encounter any issues with the flooring after installation, you may not be covered for repairs or replacements.


Professional Installation


  • Expertise and Experience: Professional installers have the skills and expertise to ensure a flawless installation. They have experience dealing with various types of flooring materials. They can handle unexpected challenges that may arise during the process.
  • Time Efficiency: Hiring a professional installer is often faster than attempting a DIY installation. Professionals have the necessary tools and experience to complete the job efficiently, saving you time and effort.
  • Warranty Protection: When you hire a professional installer, the manufacturer's warranty on the flooring remains intact. This can provide peace of mind and protect your investment in case of any issues after installation.
  • Better Overall Result: A professional installation typically produces a better overall finish. The installer will ensure the flooring is level, properly aligned, and free of any defects or unnecessary gaps.


  • Cost: Labour charges can be significant, and you may need to allocate a substantial portion of your budget for this service.
  • Limited control: When you hire a professional, you may have less control over the installation process. This may mean that you have to work around their schedule and trust that they understand your vision for the project.


Factors to Consider

  • Skill Level: If you have experience with similar projects or are confident in your ability to learn the required skills, DIY installation may be a viable option. However, if you are inexperienced or unsure of your abilities, it may be best to hire a professional.
  • Budget: Consider your budget when deciding between DIY and professional installation. Professional installation may be better if you can afford the labour costs. However, if you have a limited budget, you may need to opt for DIY installation to save on costs. Remember that any mistakes made during a DIY installation could result in additional expenses to correct the issues.
  • Time Constraints: If you have a tight schedule or need the flooring installed quickly, hiring a professional installer may be the best option. They can complete the project faster and more efficiently than a DIY installation. On the other hand, if you have plenty of time and are willing to invest the effort, a DIY installation may be a suitable choice.
  • Type of Waterproof Flooring: The type of waterproof flooring you choose can impact the complexity of the installation. For example, luxury vinyl planks and waterproof laminate often have click-lock systems, making them easier for DIY installation. On the other hand, ceramic or porcelain tiles may require more advanced skills, making professional installation the better option.
  • Tools and equipment: Consider whether you have the necessary tools and equipment for a DIY installation. If you need to purchase or rent tools, this can add to the project's overall cost. Hiring a professional installer with the required equipment may be more cost-effective in some cases.


Tips for Successful Waterproof Flooring Installation

Whether you choose DIY or professional installation, the following tips can help ensure a successful waterproof flooring project:

  • Acclimate the flooring: Store the flooring materials in the room where they will be installed for at least 48 hours before starting the project. This allows the materials to adjust to the room's temperature and humidity levels, reducing the risk of warping or buckling.
  • Clean and level the subfloor: Make sure the subfloor is clean, dry, and level before installation. Fill any low spots with levelling compound and sand down any high spots. This will help ensure a stable and even surface for the flooring.
  • Remove baseboards and door trim: Removing these items can make the installation easier and allow for a cleaner finish.
  • Follow Manufacturer's Instructions: Carefully read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific flooring product you are installing. This will help ensure a successful installation and maintain the warranty coverage.
  • Use the Right Tools and Materials: The proper tools and materials are essential for a smooth installation process. Some common tools and materials needed for waterproof flooring installation include a tape measure, utility knife, spacers, tapping block, pull bar, and a saw for cutting the flooring material.
  • Plan the Layout: Before starting the installation, plan the layout of the flooring, considering the room's dimensions, doorways, and other architectural features. This will help you determine the best starting point and direction for the flooring.
  • Leave an Expansion Gap: It is crucial to leave a small expansion gap (typically 5 to 15 mm) around the perimeter of the room to allow for the natural expansion and contraction of the flooring material due to temperature and humidity changes.
  • Seek Assistance if Needed: If you need help with any aspect of the installation process, feel free to seek advice from the flooring manufacturer's customer support team, experienced DIYers, or online forums.



Deciding between DIY and professional installation for waterproof flooring in Malaysia ultimately depends on your skill level, budget, time constraints, type of flooring, and access to tools and equipment. DIY installation can save you money and provide personal satisfaction, but it may be time-consuming and complex for inexperienced individuals. On the other hand, professional installation offers expertise, efficiency, and warranty protection, but it comes at a higher cost. No matter which route you take, installing waterproof flooring is an excellent investment that will enhance the value and appeal of your property while providing long-lasting protection against moisture and damage.